Saturday 7 May 2016

A new start!

I had another blog but the site has gone! I've no idea where, or why, but the whole thing is no more! begins...again!

It's Sunday morning at 6am...and I'm sat in my garden! All I can hear are birds..a multitude of sound quite unlike any other. To some it would be noisy and distracting but to me it's like heaven. No traffic, no trains, no aeroplanes, no chatter...just the breeze and birds....oh...and two of the cats wandering around the garden, most likely wondering why on earth I'm distracting then so early.

Why am I? I don't know to be honest. I haven't yet slept..but I'm not tired. Yet I can guarantee you that I can normally sleep anywhere..most often around 3pm on the sofa but I've also been known to sleep stood up with my hand in the dishwater, in the bath (very scary), whilst talking on the phone...and various other inappropriate places..but, in bed? At the 'normal' time? No way..not on your life!..what would be the fun in that?!

Anyway, as I'm still awake I've given up the idea of bed, for now, and come downstairs, made a lovely fruit smoothie, and sat in the's a beautiful morning already, quite unlike May as we know it!

Apart from writing this, my head is full of college work (typing up, getting questionnaire together, planning my next project etc), knitting group stuff (cast ones, next clue, next months KAL), the garden (seedlings, new planting, getting bulbs, grass!) and so on. The dirty dishes, hoovering, tidy beds, laundry..nah..that's all boring stuff.

I should probably take a minute to explain a number of things. I'll start with me. I'm 49, I have 5 biological children and 4 step children. Life is busy! I also have, collectively, 7 grandchildren, 5 girls and 2 boys. At home are two of my step children, boy and girl aged 17 and 12. Fabulous ages I think, very challenging in their own right, but well worth the challenge I think.

My husband, who I married in August 2012, is fab...he works very hard...and goes to work as well. He looks after me..lots..does the laundry (see above!), the hoovering (ditto!) and generally looks after the house when I can't. I cook as much as I can but do have his help for that too.

By this point you're probably wondering what I actually do..and I don't blame you..I would be as well. Well..unfortunately in 2011 I became quite poorly very suddenly. I got poorly on the way home from work one day, ended up in hospital for some time, and never went back to work. For a while I could barely move, it got a bit better and I could get out of bed, and now I can walk a bit more but I generally have to pay for it later, one way or another.

In May 2014 I finally had a diagnosis, leading to other diagnoses. My fabulous neurologist worked out what was wrong and started me on medication. Although it's not made things disappear, it has made some things a bit easier. For a while I was in a wheelchair. I'd had a blackout and fractured a vertebrae, and the following year had surgery on my back too. Now I have. Horrid old lady walker but at least it means I feel a bit more human.

Now I'm at college. I've never been to college. My early life choices took me in a very different, amazingly wonderful, exciting and ever changing path...which means that, last September, aged a grand 48 and a half, I started a level 2 course at my local college studying counselling. It was 10 weeks in length, two days a week, and I loved it.

After Christmas I started the level 3 and I hope to start the undergraduate degree (level 4-7) in September. I'm still loving every minute but, after the two days I'm in, I have to be honest, it normally takes me two days, at the very least, to recover enough to do anything! I know it will be worth it and I'm very thankful to have my husbands support.

I also started a knitting group on Facebook which has many members and is very busy...the garden is a completely new thing since moving house...all for another time I think x